Look Within

Soul Singing ~

Finding peace within using voice and music.

Wherever you are on your journey...

…I want to share with you easy-to-learn approaches that have supported me at every turn. I developed both of these to free me from despair, despondency, and overwhelm. I’d like to spare you those extremes too.

One of the things I’ve learnt (the hard and long way), is that we really do need to take care of ourselves, to nurture ourselves just as we would nurture a friend. Many of us are wonderful at pouring our supportive efforts into others, without recognising we must also refill our cups!

Soul Singing  is opening for enrolments on September 17th and commencing on October 1st. See below for a link to more information or to register.


Soul Singing – commences October 1st 

Learn more by going here

Soul Singing…

…in brief, is about using songs that speak to you as tools to “feel your feelings”, get in touch with your inner self, relieve pain, release trauma, reduce stress, and find joy again through singing! And no, you don’t have to read music or be a singer to do this course. I’ll hold your hand every step of the way…

You can learn more by using the link above, or if you know this is for you, then use the form below to register your interest.

Because of the one-to-one and small group nature of this course, there are only 5 places available! Once they’re gone, they’re gone.

People who pre-register their interest will save 25% – you will be contacted the day the enrolments open and will receive the 6 week package for only $250.00. The standard price is $300.

Please register my interest in Soul Singing

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