Stepping over the threshold ~ Reiki II

Absent healing and beyond...
Learning Reiki II is like stepping over a spiritual threshold into an inner stillness and complete inter-connectedness with… well… it honestly feels like a connection with everything – everything within yourself and everything and everyone around you. There is a sense of rightness/one-ness…
On the less esoteric and more pragmatic aspect, you will still use your hands! However the methods employed are not just for in-person applications.
You will discover that sending loving Reiki energy over distance is real.
You will discover that working with groups as well as individuals is possible.
You will discover that there is no situation where you feel helpless, where you believe there is nothing that can be done…
The pre-requisite for attendance at Reiki II is the completion of Reiki I with myself or one of my colleagues with the Usui Reiki Network International – Barbara McGregor or Keven Duff.
Please contact me personally if you have already completed Reiki I with a different teacher. Click here to send an e-mail.
For more information on Reiki II, use the button below…