Reiki I ~ Embark on a journey of self~care and
sharing with others…
~ February 7th to 9th ~

When you open the form, please download it and save it with your name before filling it in. You will need to send the completed form to the e-mail address provided on the form.
Thank you.
How do I learn Reiki 1?
Reiki is a hands-on energy modality that supports physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health and vitality for all who receive it.
It’s not a religion, but rather, a self-help tool that is simple in application, with a philosophical perspective of compassion.
Attend the appropriate training, then place your hands on yourself to introduce the flow of life-force energy – boost your energy levels, and support yourself.
You can also work with family and friends, utilising simple to follow procedures. Pets and plants love receiving Reiki too!
For full information on the traditional form of Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki taught by me, please click on the button labelled Course Inclusions/Outline – this will open a pdf.
The additional two buttons open Frequently Asked Questions and a Registration form for the seminar. The form has all the fee options and payment details.
I currently teach Reiki 1 exclusively with the Usui Reiki Network, and am a referred teacher with the Australian Reiki Connection Inc., the Association of Australian Reiki Professionals.
To make any additional enquiries, please send an e-mail using this link.
Class sizes are limited to ensure appropriate class dynamics and to support infection control and hygiene measures. Naturally, whatever government regulations apply at the seminar time will be adhered to.
I hope we can welcome you aboard our Reiki 1 seminar!