Service to others ~ Professional Practice
Reiki Treatment Delivery & Practice Administration
In service to others on their healing journeys...
Learning Reiki II completes the modality training for Reiki and is the requirement to work as a Reiki practitioner or therapist. As in massage though, while you learn the various techniques, there is much more to professional practice than just understanding how to get someone on and off the table.
Students of allied health fields in Australia are required to learn about administering a practice – how to keep client records, obtain informed consent, ensure their premises are safe and clean, and much more.
As Reiki isn’t regulated here, there is a gap between learning the actual treatment aspects of Reiki and the end result of setting up and running a practice.
Do you know, for example, what your obligations would be under the Health and Safety Act? Do you understand what your financial reporting requirements would be? Do you know how to secure your client notes and your privacy obligations? What about treating children? Insurance and first aid requirements?
And in terms of Reiki treatments, do you know how to position someone on the treatment table who is in the advanced stages of pregnancy, or is frail, or has a back condition?
If you don’t, but you are strongly drawn to working with others on their healing journeys, then why not take advantage of my experience of working professionally in treatment practice – work with me on developing your knowledge and understanding of what your legal and ethical obligations are when working as a professional.
There are three methods of course delivery – completely online with regular submission of assessment tasks over several months, via an in-person weekend intensive (which has a few pre-requisites), or a hybrid delivery of some online work and some group activities conducted over a weekend using Google Meet.
Use the button below to access more detailed information, and I welcome any questions you might have.
This course is supported by both the Usui Reiki Network and the Australian Reiki Connection Inc., the Association of Australian Reiki Professionals (ARC).
You will qualify for a discount if you are a graduate of the Network, or a member of ARC.
The full price of the online course is $799.00 AUD. The price of a weekend intensive varies dependent on student numbers, hardcopy material production costs, and venue expenses – usually, the fee would be close to $990 and includes morning and afternoon teas and a light lunch on both days. The hybrid delivery option is $899.
A weekend intensive is likely to be offered in the Coffs Harbour region in late 2024.
A hybrid delivery course is pencilled in for July 2024. This requires a commitment to complete the pre-course work, and a small amount of follow-up, but may help those to complete sooner who find they need a date to complete online study – and you get to interact with others and try out some skills, even though it’s via video conference.
You have nothing to lose by enquiring, and potentially, a lot to gain. I am passionate about education and love supporting you in your profession. Click here to send an e-mail if you wish to enrol in either of the online versions, or register your interest for when weekend intensives are available.
For more information on the course, use the button below…