Reiki Treatments with Sue

Feedback from an absent healing session...

I looked long and meticulously for a Reiki Healer, and I came across Sue Lake-Harris, I read about her history in Reiki and felt that she was the person to contact for a healing.

Sue is calm and easy to talk to, and I felt she was in harmony with who I am as a person.

I wanted a healing for general health I think but an amazing healing came about, one that I never could have dreamed of happening!

I had an extreme fear of flying and had not flown internationally for about 25 years. I had resigned myself to never seeing the rest of the world and didn’t even bother mentioning this to Sue as I believed it much too ingrained to ever even try to fix.

Sue gave me the healing, and all was good.

Around a week after the healing, I suddenly out of nowhere really wanted to fly to Italy, I felt excited rather than fearful, and I decided to go …… This was beyond a massive shift. It was life changing.

I flew to Italy about a month after the feeling arrived, and I was very calm up until the flight and to and from Italy.

I want you to take the chance of healing yourself with reiki.

Thank you Sue

Lucy S., Sydney

For You... Self~Care & Healing

Reiki is an energy resource that your body can utilise to assist with healing. It is incredibly simple in application and the outcomes are always beneficial – even if they’re unexpected!

There are many reasons people might seek a Reiki treatment session. I’ve been providing Reiki professionally since the late 1990s, and I still feel wonderment and gratitude at the wide variety of benefits people experience.

Common reasons for booking a Reiki treatment session include:

  • De-stressing; seeking mental, emotional and physical relaxation that is deep and lasts beyond the treatment itself.
  • Emotional healing; finding old hurts and traumas easing. In some cases, being completely released.
  • Pain reduction/management. In my own circumstances, the complete reversal of a chronic pain condition from an old injury that has not returned, more than 20 years later.
  • Support for chronic conditions.
  • Pre- and post-operative support; Reiki assists with reducing stress prior to surgery, and supports recovery after surgery.
  • Pregnancy support.
  • End-of-life support.

I make no claims of Reiki and cure – your own body does the healing work. Reiki is however, a wonderful resource that the body can use to support those healing processes, on whatever level. Interestingly, what you might book a treatment for, may not be what responds to the Reiki – but there is always a benefit.

While it feels wonderful to attend a Reiki treatment in person, absent techniques mean a session carried out over distance can be just as effective. See what Lucy had to say about her absent session (at left). 

In-person sessions feel amazing too.

Feedback from an in-person treatment…